I am trying to reference form_serial_no field of formdownload model in my inherited model(plot.allocate). Instead of the dropdown to show the computed value of form_serial_no which is company_short_code padded with sequence e.g CCK0000006, it's showing "CCK" which is the value of company_short_code excluding the sequence. In actual fact, it's referencing company_short_code of companyname model instead of the computed value of form_serial_no of formdownload model. And in the database, form_serial_no field is showing the right record which is something like these......ABC0000008, CDG0000003 and so on. This is my question, is there any reason why form_serial_no_id Many2one field of plot.allocate model is not picking the value of form_serial_no Char field of formdownload, instead, it's picking the company_short_code Char field of companyname model?
Secondly, how can i change the status field default value of companyname model record to true when a value is picked in form_serial_no_id Many2one field of plot.allocate model?
Kindly help me look into these.
Below are my code snippet
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import models, fields, api
class CompanyName(models.Model):
_name = 'companyname'
_rec_name = 'company_short_code'
company_name = fields.Char(string="Company Name", required=True)
company_short_code = fields.Char(string="Company short code", required=True)
class FormDownload(models.Model):
_name = 'formdownload'
_rec_name = 'form_serial_no'
name = fields.Many2one('companyname', string="Company Name", ondelete='cascade',
form_serial_no = fields.Char(string="Form Serial No", readonly=True)
status = fields.Boolean(string="Status", default=False)
def create(self, vals):
serial_no = self.env['ir.sequence'].get('formdownload.form_serial_no')
code = self.env['companyname'].browse(vals['name']).company_short_code
# capitalize company short code values
code = code.upper()
# merge code and serial number
vals['form_serial_no'] = code + serial_no
return super(FormDownload, self).create(vals)
class PlotAllocation(models.Model):
_inherit = 'plot.allocate'
form_serial_no_id = fields.Many2one('formdownload',
domain=[('status', '=', False)],
ondelete='cascade', string="Form Serial No")
def create(self, vals):
record = self.env['formdownload'].search([('name', 'like', vals.get('name', False))]).form_serial_no
status = self.env['companyname'].search([('name', 'like', vals.get('name', False))]).status
if vals.get('form_serial_no_id') == record.id:
self.env['companyname'].write({status : True})
return super(PlotAllocation, self).create(vals)
– Charif DZ