
I have a website on Azure and I have configured it with the custom domain.Website always redirects from http to https so getting error of not secure in browser as below..

enter image description here

I don't want to redirect it to https.What is the solution and what is the reason that it redirects to https ?

On azure in web app overview I get URL with Http :

enter image description here

You can't not want to use HTTPS anymore. Unless you want all browsers to mark your site as insecure, and disappear from Google results. Make sure your certificate and domain match.Panagiotis Kanavos
Azure's move to mandatory HTTPS was requested by all users, announced in time, and the way to use a custom domain is already documented. Certificates from Lets Encrypt are free, and there is even a script that will manage certificate renewal automatically. There is no valid reason to remain to HTTP, and a lot of very good reasons to switchPanagiotis Kanavos
What is the reason that it redirects to https ?I did nothing with that.It automatically redirects to https..@PanagiotisKanavosDhruv Gohil
Since I have configured custom domain only my machine's browsers can view that website using that url with Not Secure error where as on other Machine's browser, error occurs that web app not found..@PanagiotisKanavosDhruv Gohil

1 Answers


Azure Web Apps do not automatically redirect http to https by default, so it may be caused by some logic in your specific app, or some other non-default step that you took.

To see this, simply create a new empty Web App, and verify that you are able to browse to it using http.