
Format of csv files to import (using arangoimp) to greated undirected edges. I used "_to" and "_from" to import directed edges (example: timestamp date ID _to _from 1462750810 7/3/16 311 Media Passengers 1457010729 1/3/17 343 Media Passengers 1480483304 3/16/16 502 Media Passengers ) This created a graph that could be viewed from the Web Interface. But I can't query using INBOUND edges. So I want to convert my graph to an undirected graph to overcome this problem. Im unable to figure out the right CSV format for the same. It throws "missing '_from' or '_to' attribute, offending document:" error everytime I change the format


1 Answers


You can't create an undirected graph in ArangoDB, there only exists directed graphs.

It would be helpful if you post your query. Maybe there is something wrong with it. Have you tried OUTBOUND instead of INBOUND in your query?