I get this error message when using the google map geocode function, which I understand happens when I exceed my free limit of 2500 requests in a day. However I've set up a billing option to pay the extra for additional requests, but I still get this error. When I set up billing, it asked me to create a project that's then associated with my billing info, which I did and I then got an API key to use.
I don't know whether / where I would put this API key in my code. Here's a snippet of my code
var addressColumn = 1;
var addressRow;
var latColumn = addressColumn + 1;
var lngColumn = addressColumn + 2;
var geocoder = Maps.newGeocoder().setRegion(getGeocodingRegion());
var location;
for (addressRow = 1; addressRow <= cells.getNumRows(); ++addressRow) {
var address = cells.getCell(addressRow, addressColumn).getValue();
// Geocode the address and plug the lat, lng pair into the
// 2nd and 3rd elements of the current range row.
location = geocoder.geocode(address);
// Only change cells if geocoder seems to have gotten a
// valid response.
if (location.status == 'OK') {
lat = location["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"];
lng = location["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"];
cells.getCell(addressRow, latColumn).setValue(lat);
cells.getCell(addressRow, lngColumn).setValue(lng);
Any ideas how to link my paid billing project to this code so I can increase my usage of the API?