
I have a node.js project I am deploying to Google Compute Engine (not App Engine). I use the datastore emulator locally. I know one typical way to browse the local datastore emulator data is by using the dev_appserver.py and browsing to http://localhost:8000/datastore

However, I'm not using one of the supported runtimes for the Local Development Server.

Is there a way to browse the local datastore emulator data when using node.js?


1 Answers


Via a ready made UI? No.

You could instead run queries against it to browse the data. Using the Node.js client library, just point the client library to localhost:8080.

var datastore = require('@google-cloud/datastore')({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json',
  apiEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8080'