I am reading this article which shows how to write queries with IN clause in cassandra
I created the following table
create table foo2(id bigint, bid bigint, data set<bigint>, primary key (id, bid));
insert into foo2 (id, bid, data) values (1, 1, {1, 2});
insert into foo2 (id, bid, data) values (1, 2, {3, 4});
insert into foo2 (id, bid, data) values (1, 3, {5, 6});
Now I write the query
select * from foo2 where id = 1 and bid IN (1, 2, 3);
Cannot restrict clustering columns by in relations when a collection is selected by the query.
I googled on this error and found this
and it says that the issue is resolved in Cassandra 4.0 but I a using
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.10 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Is there a workaround for this (apart from the mother of all answers for any Cassandra question change your schema
Some people are pointing here : Cassandra IN query not working if table has SET type column
But this does not question does not have a clearly marked answer.