Because of my design, i want to get rid of NinePatch object, but i use it to initialize textures at the desired size using framebuffer, and then apply that textures to my custom objects
Im new to LibGDX and GL stuff.
The problem is when i draw FBO texture to screen the image is so small, idk why
I grab skeleton of all this from here:
My RenderToTexture class is:
public class RenderToTexture {
private float fbScaler = 1f;
private boolean fbEnabled = true;
private FrameBuffer fb = null;
private TextureRegion fbReg = null;
[... more constructors ... ]
* @param scale
public RenderToTexture(int width, int height, float scale, boolean hasDepth) {
if(width == -1){
width = (int) ( * scale);
if(height == -1){
height = (int) ( * scale);
fb = new FrameBuffer(
(int)(width * fbScaler),
(int)(height * fbScaler),
fbReg = new TextureRegion(fb.getColorBufferTexture());
public void begin(){
if(fbEnabled) {
fb.begin();, 0,0,0);;
public TextureRegion end(){
if(fb != null)
return fbReg;
// batch.draw(fboRegion, 0, 0);
return null;
And my util class:
public class ImageUtils {
public static TextureRegion ninePatchToTextureRegion(NinePatch patch, int width, int height){
return ninePatchToTextureRegion(new NinePatchDrawable(patch), width, height);
public static TextureRegion ninePatchToTextureRegion(NinePatchDrawable patch, int width, int height){
RenderToTexture r2t = new RenderToTexture(width, height, 1, false);
SpriteBatch sb = new SpriteBatch();
patch.draw(sb, 0, 0, width, height);
return r2t.end();
Then i call this util class when i create a sprite:
NinePatchDrawable ninepatchtest = new NinePatchDrawable(
new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("img/ui/btn-retro-blue.png")), 5, 5, 5, 5)
TextureRegion result = ImageUtils.ninePatchToTextureRegion(ninepatchtest, 200, 100);
sprite = new Sprite(result);
The current result is (left) and the size simulated desired result (right)
EDIT: Camera size is displaymode size, glued to screen, no zoom, no movement.
EDIT: Fixed missing dispose suggested by @Tenfour04
If this way is not the best way to do it, im open to new alternatives