
I'm using Cordova 6.5.0 with platform ios 4.3.1. I have installed the SplashScreen plugin and am using Legacy Launch Images

I have prepared splash screen images of the below sizes, added them in config.xml and placed them in project_folder/res/screen/ios

<splash src="res/screen/ios/Default~iphone.png" width="320" height="480"/>
<splash src="res/screen/ios/Default@2x~iphone.png" width="640" height="960"/>
<splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png" width="640" height="1136"/>
<splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-667h.png" width="750" height="1334"/>
<splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-736h.png" width="1242" height="2208"/>

<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="10000" />
<preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="false" />
<preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false" />
<preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="false" />

After building the app, I can see in Xcode that all the above images are reflected in the LaunchImage asset catalog under unassigned category.

When I run the app on iPhone 5 (iOS 10), I get a launch screen followed by a white screen (with loading indicator) for 1 second, followed by the app's main screen. Also in the Xcode console, I can see the below warning

WARNING: The splashscreen image named Default-568h was not found

Whereas I expect it to display the splash screen for 10 seconds (SplashScreenDelay)

@KKRocks: I've already tried this, but the behaviour is same.Sahil Khanna
You have two images for 640x1136. Check which one do you really have in res/screen/ios/ and only reference that in the config.xml. Also make sure that it really have that size.jcesarmobile
@jcesarmobile: I removed the above configuration and rebuild the code, but the same issueSahil Khanna
If you removed it, update your question with your current valuesjcesarmobile

1 Answers


Follow the syntax in Legacy Launch Image. There is no <splash src="res/screen/ios/Default-568h.png" width="640" height="1136"/> in the config.xml