I've done example for you to get you going, you need to implement how to ref triggering cell and get it's ref row index to do copyTo to that row index, not hardcode it like I did ..

This is the relevante code:
function onEdit(e){
var range = e.range;
if( range.getA1Notation() == "A2" ){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[1];
var orgsheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
if( range.getValue() == "AAA" ){
sheet.getRange("B2:H6").copyTo(orgsheet.getRange("B2"), {contentsOnly:true});
} else if ( range.getValue() == "BBB" ) {
sheet.getRange("B8:H12").copyTo(orgsheet.getRange("B2"), {contentsOnly:true});
also, I think that you need to copy my sheet to your drive to be able to run the script without permission errors,
this is link to my sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YVuQMBLEqgwGMPdjlV9cKRCML0vqi3UkMsZ66DR5Fls/edit#gid=0
cheers, k
if( range.getValue() == "AAA" ){..
=> that's where we define what data goes where,, you have to expand thatif-else
to your needs and do custom code ,, but as you see it's possible. mark this as answer if you feel like, and if you need more specific details ask new question then – Kresimir Pendic