On iOS, there are two very different APIs you can use to detect beacon-like Bluetooth LE devices, each of which offers its own pros an cons:
- Very fast detections even in the background
- Wake up your app on Bluetooth LE beacon detection
- Much simpler to use for beacon use cases
- Off-the-shelf beacons are cheap and available from many vendors
- You must know the 16 byte ProximityUUID identifier to detect
- Other than the above identifier, there are only four data bytes (a two byte major and two byte minor)
- Much more flexible than CoreLocation
- You can receive around 20 bytes of useful data in an advertising packet
- You can receive much, much more data if you establish a Bluetooth GATT connection and exchange multiple packets. Transferring 100K is certainly possible.
- No ability to detect in the background using manufacturer advertisements
- Detecting service advertisements in the background is slow
- Often requires a custom built beacon (unless you are using AltBeacon or Eddystone)
- Will not let you read iBeacon -- it is blocked by Apple
You can try to get the best of both worlds by combining both APIs. You do this by using two different hardware beacons (one iBeacon, one custom) or a single hardware beacon that sends out two different advertisement types.
The main trick with these techniques is to correlate the two advertisements, as the iOS APIs are completely sandboxed from one another and no identifiers can be shared between them. The approach I usually take is to simply use the iBeacon to wake up my app and then have it start scanning for a separate Bluetooth GATT service with a known Service UUID (either in the foreground or the background). Once I find this, I connect to it and use it for data exchange. Using this technique, I don't need to correlate any identifiers. I just know that if I see a beacon with a specific ProximityUUID, then that means there is supposed to be a Bluetooth GATT service being advertised in the vicinity that I can use to do my data exchange.