
I want to send mail using MailChimp. Like when user register then I want to send username and password email to the user with MailChimp. I have developed the website in Django 1.8. I also want to use MailChimp template in my Django application.

I have saw code but subscribed is required. And also it will send mail to list of user define MailChimp dashboard.

If its urgent, talk to MailChimp directly. We are not their customer support.Burhan Khalid

1 Answers


This question doesn't fit the site (off-topic; doesn't ask a programming question; more of tech support for another site) - but while you are here, here's the answer you want. Again, you should contact them for this kind of question. Please read https://mailchimp.com/resources/guides/common-rookie-mistakes/html/

Mistake: Confusing transactional emails with email marketing

Do you have a list of customers who have purchased products from your e-commerce store? They’ll probably expect receipts and shipping notifications via email. Those types of one-to-one messages are called transactional emails, and they're different from email marketing. That’s why we developed Mandrill. Mandrill is a delivery API for MailChimp users who want to send transactional emails. Mandrill is optimized for emails like password reminders, order confirmations, receipts, and personalized notifications, and will help you manage and monitor your transactional messaging through advanced tagging, webhooks, and more.

As they say, MailChimp is not for transactional emails. Mandrill is.