TintColor of the navigationBar of mainWindow gets back to grey color everytime I turn the iPad to portrait mode and show the popover.
- I created application from Xcode 3.2.5 and selected Split-View Based Application.
- I changed the navigationBar tintColor of the MainWindow.xib to blue using the Interface builder.
- Then, I run the app initially with landscape mode, and the tintColor showed with the value blue on the simulator.
- When, I changed the orientation to portrait and clicked the button to show the MainWindow popover, its navBar blends with the border of the popover, ignoring blue.
- But when I turned back the orientation to landscape mode, the tintColor of the MainWindow goes back to its original color which is Gray. And I can no longer edit its value even the code is written to viewDidAppear block.
Is this a bug? or are there more settings I need to configure for this to work?
Thanks in Advance
-- Jo