Basically, I want to loop over all frames of video, subtract each frame from background image and display the result i.e subtractedImg either using subplot or figure.
vidObj = VideoReader('test3.mp4');
width = vidObj.Width;
height = vidObj.Height;
subtractedImg = zeros([width height 3]);
videoFrames = [];
k = 1;
while hasFrame(vidObj)
f = readFrame(vidObj);
videoFrames = cat(numel(size(f)) + 1, videoFrames, f);
k = k+1;
backgroundImg = median(videoFrames,4);
Problem here subplot which I have used here, in this loop does not show output. Only one figure is displayed with title "last one".
while hasFrame(vidObj)
frame = readFrame(vidObj);
figure(i); imshow(subtractedImg);
% subplot(5,5,i),imshow(subtractedImg);
%uncommenting above line does not work, subplot not shown
if(i < 20)
i= i+1;
end %end while
subplot(1,2,1),imshow(subtractedImg),title('last one');
How do I show each image using subplot? For example using 5x5 subplot, If I want to display 25 subtracted images, why subplot(5,5,i),imshow(subtractedImg); is not working?