My end game is to create a tree visualization from a hierarchical JSON file using D3js.
The hierarchy I need to represent is this diagram, where A has children B,C,D ; B has children E,F,G; C has children H, I ; and D has no children. The nodes will have multiple key:value pairs.I've only listed 3 for simplicity.
-- name:E
| type:dkBlue
| id: 005
|-- name:F
-- name:B ------| type:medBlue
| type:blue | id: 006
| id:002 |
| |-- name:G
| type:ltBlue
name:A ----| id:007
id:001 |-- name:C ----|-- name:H
| type:red | type:dkRed
| id:003 | id:008
| |
| |
| |-- name:I
| type:medRed
| id:009
|-- name:D
id: 004
My source data in R looks like:
nodes <-read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
ID name type
001 A colors
002 B blue
003 C red
004 D green
005 E dkBlue
006 F medBlue
007 G ltBlue
008 H dkRed
009 I medRed
links <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
startID relation endID
001 hasSubCat 002
001 hasSubCat 003
001 hasSubCat 004
002 hasSubCat 005
002 hasSubCat 006
002 hasSubCat 007
003 hasSubCat 008
003 hasSubCat 009
I must convert it to the following JSON:
{"name": "A",
"type": "colors",
"id" : "001",
"children": [
{"name": "B",
"type": "blue",
"id" : "002",
"children": [
{"name": "E",
"type": "dkBlue",
"id" : "003"},
{"name": "F",
"type": "medBlue",
"id": "004"},
{"name": "G",
"type": "ltBlue",
"id": "005"}
{"name": "C",
"type": "red",
"id" : "006",
"children": [
{"name": "H",
"type": "dkRed",
"id" : "007"},
{"name": "I",
"type": "dkBlue",
"id": "008"}
{"name": "D",
"type": "green",
"id" : "009"}
I would appreciate any help you may be able to offer!
[UPDATE 2017-04-18]
Based on Ian's references I looked into R's data.tree. I can recreate my hierarchy if I restructure my data as shown below. Note that I've lost the type of relation (hasSubcat) between each node, the value of which can vary for each link/edge in real life. I am willing to let that go (for now) if I can get a workable hierarchy. The revised data for data.tree:
df <-read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
paths type id
A colors 001
A/B blue 002
A/B/E dkBlue 005
A/B/F medBlue 006
A/B/G ltBlue 007
A/C red 003
A/C/H dkRed 008
A/C/I medRed 009
A/D green 004
myPaths <- as.Node(df, pathName = "paths")
myPaths$leafCount / (myPaths$totalCount - myPaths$leafCount)
print(myPaths, "type", "id", limit = 25)
The print displays the hierarchy I sketched out in the original post and even contains the key:values for each node. Nice!
levelName type id
1 A colors 1
2 ¦--B blue 2
3 ¦ ¦--E dkBlue 5
4 ¦ ¦--F medBlue 6
5 ¦ °--G ltBlue 7
6 ¦--C red 3
7 ¦ ¦--H dkRed 8
8 ¦ °--I medRed 9
9 °--D green 4
Once again I am at loss for how to translate this from the tree to nested JSON. The example here , like most examples, assumes key:value pairs only on leaf nodes, not branch nodes. I think the answer is in creating a nested list to feed into JSONIO or JSONLITE, and I have no idea how to do that.