I'm about to upgrade a page from TYPO3 6.2.30 to 8.7.0 but I can't find a way to use the "showinpreview" field in tx-news.
In the old tx-news 3.2.8 Version the Override sys_file_reference.php is called from /typo3conf/ext/news/Configuration/TCA/tx_news_domain_model_media.php
But in tx-news 5.3.3. I can only find the Override file.
In BE I only see News > Relations > Media File > Title and Description.
If I Change "showinpreview" in Table sys_file_reference to "1" the preview Picture Display in the FE.
I know that since 4.1.0 - 2016/01/27 the relation "tx_news_domain_model_media" will be removed. But is there any way to activate preview Images from the backend?
Thanks for any hints and for your great work!