
I am new to Hybris environment. i'm working on add-ons concept in Hybris. I can able to create addons for storefront but my question is how to create addons for acceleratorservices extension. I have tried the usual method but that is not working. (ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="{addonName}" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="acceleratorservices"). When i compile my system it is throwing cyclic reference error. So can anyone tell me like how to create addons for acceleratorservices extension.

Any sort answer is welcome from Hybris expert. Thanks in advance.

You should create custom extension (define dependency in extensioninfo.xml file) instead of addon. Addon is mainly used for extending storefront functionality.Free-Minded

1 Answers


Addon is used to extends the functionnality of templates (extensions starting with y). In your case acceleratorservices is just a dependency of storefront. So you should just use spring to override/extends the features of acceleratorservices you need.

To do it well, you class must extends the one from acceleratorservices that you want to modify. Then depending on your needs, add or override methods. Finally update your sping configuration with "aliases" to replace the bean reference by your new implementation.