I have a question which looks silly but I can't find answer anywhere. I have a simple signup iOS procedure which relies on Firebase Authentication SDK.
At a certain point after the user is created with:
FIRAuth.auth()?.createUser(withEmail: userName!, password: password!)
right after that I sent my user a verification email:
{(error) in
if error == nil
Everything works more than fine, no problem at all.
My question is: my user receives the email and - for any reason - didn't click on the autogenerated confirmation link. Later on he open the app again and - forgetting that he already register once - tries to signup with the same email address.
Firebase just says that there's already an user created with that email address - as per documentation the user is created even if not 'active' -, therefore I'd like to give my users the option to have a "Resend verification email".
I've been digging into Firebase API documentation without a solution. Does anyone have ever had the same 'issue' ?
Thanks for any help