You should check how a debounce function works. A nice article by Taylor Case define it as follows:
This function is built in order to limit the amount of times a
function is called — scroll events, mousemove events, and keypress
events are all great examples of events that we might want to capture,
but can be quite taxing if we capture them every single time they
So you define the function somewhere in your code:
function debounce(fn, time) {
let timeout;
return function() {
const args = arguments;
const functionCall = () => fn.apply(this, args);
timeout = setTimeout(functionCall, time);
Then you just use that function when adding your listener:
google.maps.event.addListener(myMap, 'bounds_changed', debounce(() => { /* Do something here */ }, 250));
It seems that 250 ms is a good frequency to use here.