I am trying to fetch all the categories and their count (no of products in that category) of those products where keyword matches. The query I tried doesn't give me the correct result. Also I want the parent categories till level 1 and their count as well.
e.g. I am trying with keyword watch, then category "watches" should be there with some count. Also the parent category "accessories" with the sum of its descendant categories count.
my table structures are:
tblProducts: There are 5 categories of a product, fldCategoryId1, fldCategoryId2, fldCategoryId3, fldCategoryId4 and fldCategoryId5. fldProductStatus should be 'A'
| Field | Type |
| fldUniqueId | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryId1 | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryId2 | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryId3 | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryId4 | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryId5 | bigint(20) |
| fldProductStatus | enum('A','P','D') |
| fldForSearch | longtext |
| Field | Type |
| fldCategoryId | bigint(20) |
| fldCategoryName | varchar(128) |
| fldCategoryParent | int(11) |
| fldCategoryLevel | enum('0','1','2','3') |
| fldCategoryActive | enum('Y','N') |
Search Query:
SELECT count( c.fldCategoryId ) AS cnt, c.fldCategoryLevel, c.fldCategoryParent, c.fldCategoryId, c.fldCategoryName, p.fldForSearch, c.fldCategoryParent
FROM tblCategory c, tblProducts p
c.fldCategoryId = p.fldCategoryId1
OR c.fldCategoryId = p.fldCategoryId2
OR c.fldCategoryId = p.fldCategoryId3
OR c.fldCategoryId = p.fldCategoryId4
OR c.fldCategoryId = p.fldCategoryId5
AND p.fldProductStatus = 'A'
MATCH ( p.fldForSearch )
'+(watches watch)'
GROUP BY c.fldCategoryId
Note: The table is in the InnoDB engine and have FULLTEXT search index on 'fldForSearch' column.
EDIT: sample data can be found in sqlfiddle
output? The sums would be listed below/above each group, not as part of each row (so you might have to do some preparations before displaying it). You might consider doing the summation in your app (e.g. use the treenode class in php). If you add the table structures and some example data as pasteable code (the create and insert statements), as well as the expected output, you make it easier to test the answer. Can you change tblCategory? It's not the best tree model for databases (but works here) – Solarflare