When I execute the following SQL using TOAD against an Oracle 11g database, the fully formed XML is returned successfully:
With T As (SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml('SELECT m.trans_message FROM xml_nodes_ams_in a, message m WHERE a.id = m.msg_id AND a.UPN IN(''A30971016528VE8K'',''A30971016529VE84'') ORDER BY a.upn ASC'
) As output_xml from dual
) select dbms_xmlgen.Convert(output_xml,1) from T
However, when I execute the exact same SQL against our newly installed Oracle 12c database, some of the XML data appears to be missing (around 5000 characters).
I have discussed this with the DBA who reckons its a client issue rather than a database issue as he says there is no setting against the database that would cause this.
Has anyone got any advise on how I can progress this issue?
– Migs Isipset long
that determines how much of the CLOB is shown - maybe at connection level if you're using the same client to access both DBs? – Alex Poole