I have created an AWS lambda that works well when I test it and when I create a cron job manually through a cloudwatch rule.
It reports metrics as invocations (not failed) and also logs with details about the execution.
Then I decided to remove that manually created cloudwatch rule in order to create one with ansible.
- name: Create lambda service.
name: "{{ item.name }}"
state: present
zip_file: "{{ item.zip_file }}"
runtime: 'python2.7'
role: 'arn:aws:iam::12345678901:role/lambda_ecr_delete'
handler: 'main.handler'
region: 'eu-west-2'
environment_variables: "{{ item.env_vars }}"
- name: lamda_ecr_cleaner
zip_file: assets/scripts/ecr-cleaner.zip
'DRYRUN': '0'
'REGION': 'eu-west-2'
register: new_lambda
- name: Schedule a cloudwatch event.
name: ecr_delete
schedule_expression: "rate(1 day)"
description: Delete old images in ecr repo.
- id: ecr_delete
arn: "{{ item.configuration.function_arn }}"
with_items: "{{ new_lambda.results }}"
That creates almost the exact same cloudwatch rule. The only difference I can see with the manually created one is in the targets, the lambda version / alias is set to Default when created manually while it is set to version, with a corresponding version number when created with ansible.
The cloudwatch rule created with ansible has only failed invocations.
Any idea why this is? I can't see any logs. Is there a way I can set the version to Default as well with the cloudwatchevent_rule module in ansible?