
I have pagination working in my Angular 2 app, making use of the handy ng2-pagination module. Now I'd like to be able to pass information between components. I have several components with unique api calls, that all load their content into the same tabular display. That tabular display is thus the component with the tabular view.

I am already binding the the component with the data to the component with the tabular view, by using square brackets notation to bind "records", like this:

<tabular-display [records]="records"></tabular-display>

Then, in the 'tabular-display' component I am using the @Input() decorator to have access to those records data, like this:

@Input() records = [];

In the tabular-display comp view, I am iterating over that array of records, and then passing them through the pagination pipe, like this:

<tr *ngFor="let record of records.data | paginate: { id: 'clients', itemsPerPage: 12, currentPage: page, totalItems: records.count }">

Now, just below this area in the 'tabular-display' view, the pagination-pipe uses 'pagination-controls' to handle generating the correct number of pages from the *ngFor iteration above. That looks like this:

    <pagination-controls class="paginator" (pageChange)="pageChange($event)" id="clients"

My last task is to have this "pageChange()" event you see right above here pass that event through to the data component - so the correct data can be called. How best to do that? I've tried it using an @Output() and an EventEmitter():

@Output() sendChange = new EventEmitter();

pageChange($event) {

And I get the correct page number printed to the console. But how does the data-component pick up on (i.e. have access to) that emitted data? How does it 'receive' that emitted data?

By the way, here is the function that I need to pass the page change event to. How does this function in the data component get the event emitted from the tabular-display component?

getPageByCategory(page) {
    this.clientsService.getByCategory('consulting', page, this.pagesize)
        .subscribe(resRecordsData => {
            this.records = resRecordsData;
            this.page = page;
        responseRecordsError => this.errorMsg = responseRecordsError);

1 Answers


On pageChange, change/get the contents of records with its corresponding page. Change detection will automatically update your tabular-display component.

  • User clicks page two, emit that event.
  • Get page 2 records from your http request or whatever your source is.
  • Set the above value to records, and change detection will take care of the rest