I'm trying to use the information contained in keyed JSON names to add context to the data contained in their nested matrices. The matrices have different numbers of rows, and some of the matrices are missing (list element NULL). I am able to extract the relevant data and retain information as list names from the hierarchy using map and at_depth from the purrr package, but I cannot find a clean way to get this into a single data.frame.
I have attempted to use purrr:::transpose as exemplified here, and I've tried using tidyr:::unnest as shown here, but I think their desired results and inputs differ enough from mine that they are not applicable. There seems to be too many problems with the differing row names and/or the missing matrices. I am also new to the purrr package, so there could be something simple that I'm missing here.
Here is my own attempt which produces nearly the desired result, and I think I could modify it a bit more to remove the for loop and have another layer of some 'apply' functions, but I have the suspicion that there are better ways to go about this.
Minimal reproducible Example
#Download data
json <- getURL("http://maps2.dnr.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/lakefinder/detail.cgi?type=lake_survey&id=69070100")
#Surveys are the relevant data
data.listed <- fromJSON(json, simplifyDataFrame=F)
surveys <- data.listed$result$surveys
#Get list of lists of matrices - fish size count data
fcounts <- map(surveys, "lengths") %>%
at_depth(2, "fishCount") %>%
at_depth(2, data.frame) # side note: is this a good way to the inner matrices to data.frames?
#top-level - list - surveys
#2nd-level - list - species in each survey
#3rd-level - data.frame - X1: measured_size, X2: counts
#use survey IDs as names for top level list
#just as species are used as names for 2nd level lists
names(fcounts) <- sapply(surveys, function(s) {return(s$surveyID)})
#This produces nearly the correct result
for (i in 1:length(fcounts)){
surv.id <- names(fcounts)[[i]]
if (length(fcounts[[i]]) > 0) {
listed.withSpecies <- lapply(names(fcounts[[i]]), function(species) cbind(fcounts[[i]][[species]], species))
surv.fishCounts <- do.call(rbind, listed.withSpecies)
colnames(surv.fishCounts) <- c("size", "count", "species")
surv.fishCounts$survey.ID <- surv.id