
I know this was already asked here, BUT it does not answer my question. My question is how can we break apart index.js for Cloud Functions including the onWrite calls and such.

I realize you can use "require" and bring in outside code. It still leaves a bit of code ( in Franks OCR example, for example) , in index.js.

Ideally I'd love to be able to move an entire onWrite event trigger to another file.

EXAMPLE in index.js:

exports.sysQueueUserNew = functions.database.ref("/sys/queue/user_new/{queueId}").onWrite((event) => {
      // do something

How can I move the entire function event watch/call to another js file, and call it from index.js?

My index.js has grown quite large, and reading it for organizational purposes has become a PAIN.

Ideally I'd like my index.js to be very organized such as:

--in  index.js --
    /// User cleanup

    /// SYS Logs

--and in userHelpers.js have the onWrite trigger for example---
   functions.database.ref("/sys/queue/user_new/{queueId}").onWrite((event) => {
      // create user


Is this possible without having to have code written like so (a' la Franks OCR example):

var test = require('./test')

exports.sysQueueUserNew = functions.database.ref("/sys/queue/user_new/{queueId}").onWrite((event) => {
      // do something

Thanks in advance....

Why don't you just write another file and add another script in your html? <script type="text/javascript" src="js/new-file.js"></script>. Once all JS files are loaded, every function is accessible from any other js fileKody R.
Because these are Firebase cloud functions that run on their server. The index file in question gets deployed to their server, and the DB uses it for trigger events.paulyfl

2 Answers


You can easily spread your functions across multiple files. Here's an example:

////////////// index.js

exports.sysQueueUserNew = require('./sys-queue-user-new');
exports.userCleanup = require('./user-cleanup');

///////////// sys-queue-user-new.js

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

module.exports = functions.database
  .onWrite(e => {
    // do something

///////////// user-cleanup.js

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

module.exports = functions.auth.user().onDelete(e => {
  // do something

As a variant of Michael's answer, I found this organization very neat and kind of object-oriented.

// index.js
const admin = require('firebase-admin')

const user = require('./user')(admin)
exports.sendWelcomeEmail = user.sendWelcomeEmail

// user.js
const functions = require('firebase-functions')

module.exports = function(admin) {

    let sendWelcomeEmail = functions.auth.user().onCreate(event => {
        // return admin.database().ref().update({})

    return {
        sendWelcomeEmail: sendWelcomeEmail