I have a SQL table as Source and I want to export it's contents to a Flat file using SSIS.
Simplified example:
Source: Notes table (CreatedBy, Description, CreatedOn)
The Description field is nText.
Destination: Flat file - Fixed length
Description (51-250)
CreatedOn (251-270)
The problem is that the description can be really long and we don't want it to be truncated after 200
chars. It should wrap to the next line.
I cannot find a way to do this using SSIS.
Really appreciate your help.
I am looking to achieve a layout like below:
CreatedBy | Description | CreatedOn|
John Really long description.............. 2/2/2017
more text..
John2 This is the second line 2/3/2017
Hadi answer allows to break a long string into parts but still doesn't solve the layout problem.