
Anybody had this problem?

Unexpected value 'InlineEditorModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. in my app.module.ts:

import { InlineEditorModule } from 'ng2-inline-editor';

imports: [InlineEditorModule, ...],
declarations: [...]

in my template:

    <inline-editor type="text" [(ngModel)]="editableText" (onSave)="saveEditable($event)" name="editableText1" size="8"></inline-editor>

I installed using npm:

npm i ng2-inline-editor --save

Did I miss anything?

I followed below URL content


did you reference the module from systemjs.config.js?pixelbits
are you using angular 4.0 or 2?Suraj Rao
@suraj: I am using angular 2Rama Krishna
@pixelbits: I am using webpack (not systemjs.config.js) which is generated by jHipster generated angular2 project.Rama Krishna
@RamaKrishna according to one of the examples in your github link you could probably work with an older version ^0.1.1-alpha.11Suraj Rao