
Hello everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I am developing an MVC application that generates an outbound call from a web page.  What I want to do is to allow the recipient of the phone call to be able to make DTMF selections on their keypad.  I know there are methods within Twilio to respond to DTMF input for inbound calls, using the verb but I don't see any documentation for outbound calls and wonder if it can even be accomplished. When the outbound call is answered I created a simple web form that is called:

    Dim header As String = "<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " encoding=" & Chr(34) & "UTF-8" & Chr(34) & "?>"
    Dim message As String = "<Response>"
    message = message & "<Gather>"

    message = message & "<Play loop=" & Chr(34) & "1" & Chr(34) & ">http://www.mydomain/Sounds/Call.wav</Play>"

    message = message & "</Gather>"

    message = message & "</Response>"



    Response.Write(header & message)

which in turn generates a TwiML response:


So once the user presses 1 is where I am confused as to what to do. I did come across the article Respond to Incoming Phone Calls in C#

that speaks to responding to user input. I tried:

Dim response = New VoiceResponse() response.Gather(New Gather(numDigits:=1, action:="/voice/gather"))

but am receiving a syntax error on the second line, even though I think it is the VB.Net equivalent C# version 5.x example. So it really seems like I should be able to accomplish my task, but I am stuck as to how to get his working. Any help would be appreciated.


1 Answers


Step 1 would be to setup an endpoint to handle inbound calls as outlined in the documentation.

Step 2 is then to setup an a function to place outbound calls and the url param of the client.calls.create() function will be the endpoint from step 1.