I use the Query https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/FileID/export?mimeType=text/tab-separated-values to download Google Sheets. My sheet has different tabs in it. Is there a way that I can download all the tabs in the sheet or a particular sheet with the name? Thanks in advance.
1 Answers
Based from this link, you can download a specific sheet using gID
. Each sheet has a gID
and you can find the gID
of specific sheet in the URL of spreadsheet. You can use this link to download specific sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/<KEY>/export?format=xlsx&gid=<GID>
KEY is the unique ID of spreadsheet.
You may also refer with this thread on how to export sheets in a spreadsheet to csv in Google Apps using Google Apps Script.
Couldn't find any built in way to do it so I wrote a script to use in Google Sheets
Just paste it in script editor and run
function onOpen() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var csvMenuEntries = [{name: "export as csv files", functionName: "saveAsCSV"}]; ss.addMenu("csv", csvMenuEntries); }; function saveAsCSV() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheets = ss.getSheets(); // create a folder from the name of the spreadsheet var folder = DocsList.createFolder(ss.getName().toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'_') +'_csv_' + new Date().getTime()); for (var i = 0 ; i < sheets.length ; i++) { var sheet = sheets[i]; // append ".csv" extension to the sheet name fileName = sheet.getName() + ".csv"; // convert all available sheet data to csv format var csvFile = convertRangeToCsvFile_(fileName, sheet); // create a file in the Docs List with the given name and the csv data folder.createFile(fileName, csvFile); } Browser.msgBox('Files are waitig in a folder named ' + folder.getName()); } function convertRangeToCsvFile_(csvFileName, sheet) { // get available data range in the spreadsheet var activeRange = sheet.getDataRange(); try { var data = activeRange.getValues(); var csvFile = undefined; // loop through the data in the range and build a string with the csv data if (data.length > 1) { var csv = ""; for (var row = 0; row < data.length; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < data[row].length; col++) { if (data[row][col].toString().indexOf(",") != -1) { data[row][col] = "\"" + data[row][col] + "\""; } } // join each row's columns // add a carriage return to end of each row, except for the last one if (row < data.length-1) { csv += data[row].join(",") + "\r\n"; } else { csv += data[row]; } } csvFile = csv; } return csvFile; } catch(err) { Logger.log(err); Browser.msgBox(err); } }