I am using ng2-ckeditor as a rich text editor for an angular2 project. I have used some of the tools available, but the strange thing is that while strike and underline work fine, others, like Bold or Italic are not. For example if I strike the word test and save my form then <s>Test</s>
is saved in DB and the word is properly formatted in my screen, but if I make the word Bold, the word remains the same but in DB I can see that <strong>Test</strong>
is saved. I have the issue with some other tools too.
Some code:
<ckeditor name="disclaimer"
extraPlugins: 'divarea',
toolbar: [{
name: 'basicstyles',
items: ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-']