
I am using github.com/PrismLibrary/Prism/tree/master/Sandbox/Xamarin/HelloWorld to implement MasterDetail using Prism.

I have successfully ran the example and all is fine but the menu is covering phone top notification area. How can I solve this?

Please see the issue here

In Xamarin example https://developer.xamarin.com/samples/xamarin-forms/Navigation/MasterDetailPage/

this issue is not happending.

Do I have to do some addition trick with Prism that is not done in HelloWorld example?

Thanks Tadas

I can see there was a bug in xamarin.forms which seems or seems not to be fixed... Thank you for this but what should I do about it?Tadas Norbutas
And why Xamarin example just works?Tadas Norbutas
did you tried giving padding ?Sahil Dhir
Yes Sahil. That is what I did at the end. On MasterPage I added a stack with top Margin like this <StackLayout Margin="0,25,0,0"> and also on content page I added a trasparent background like this <ContentPage BackgroundColor="Transparent"> ThanksTadas Norbutas

1 Answers


That is an old sample that does not use Material Design. All the newer Xamarin.Forms templates utilize material design which result in the master showing over the topmost bar. You could also try playing with the MasterBehavior property to control how the master behaves.