
So I have an Android app and my own Web server (which has TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2) support turned on. We are planning an App upgrade where we are trying to force the secure connection between the app and the server to use TLS 1.2.

Please note that I am aware of the facts that TLS 1.2 is enabled by default on Android Lollipop (API level 21) onward and for some reason not enabled by default from API level 16-19. I have made the changes in my App. That's all good.

My question is how can I test and guarantee that the App and server are indeed using TLS1.2. I scoured on internet and found ways on how we could see this same info on browsers.

If you own the server you can debug the app network-behavior recording packets with tcpdump (server-side) and analyzing them with wiresharkGabrio
Yes, i own the server. Can you be a more descriptive on what you suggested or point me to a source ?Dibzmania

1 Answers


have you ever practiced with Wireshark? It is a network analyzer, it can be used to record packet and analyze them, you can see through it if your application is using a clear or encrypted communication. I think that it is a pretty good skill to own.

Exists a lot of material in order to practice with it, I've linked you the link to the documentation.

If you record some packets from your server you will be able to read under the Protocol column if your App is using TLS1.2 and find out even more details.

In order to record packets from your server you need to use tcpdump:

tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file>

where is the name of the file, tipically .pcap, that you will transfer to your client ,with scp or something similar, to analyze it with wireshark typing from terminal:

wireshark <some-file>

If your app is using TLS1.2 it will be displayed under the Protocol Column on each row that involves the communication with your application.

EDIT: you can use the filter tcp.port==<USED_PORT> where <USED_PORT> in this case is '8391' in wireshark to filter and analyze only the packet you are interested in. If the connection is encrypted you can find somewhere the ssl handshake and after it takes place the encrypted connection. If the connection isn't encrypted you will probably be able to read the data passing in clearly. If you can post somewhere a pcap file i can tell you if the connection is encrypted or not.

EDIT1: If you are sure that the connection is encrypted you can check the used version of the TLS using the filter tcp.port==8391 && ssl. You need to analyze a packet that transmit Application Data, if under the Secure Socket Layer appears the Version: TLS 1.2 you are using the right encryption.

find the TLS version