
I am having trouble with pagination in Laravel 5.4. I am using Scout and algolia as the 'driver'. The data I am paginating is from algolia via a submission from a form search and everything seems to work - until I hit a result with over 34 pages. The first 34 pages seem to work just fine as far as I can tell, but after page 34 things seem to go south. I'm new to Laravel and I love the idea of not having to program pagination from scratch, but why is this happening?

Page 1 results:

Looks good and everything seems to work

Page 1 die and dump

Page 34 results:

Still working...

Page 34 die and dump

Page 35 and beyond:

Everything after 34 shows 0 results...

Page 35 die and dump returns 0

Here I have a function in my controller that handles the search:

  public function search(Request $request)


      $object = $request->input('query');

      $results = Item::search($object)->paginate(30);


Next I have the model:
namespace App;

use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Item extends Model
    use Searchable;

Interesting fact

What I have noticed is that if I change paginate(30) to paginate(20), the maximum page I can reach before things fail is page 50.


1 Answers


I've had the same issue and its appears to be down to Algolia's results limit of 1000 items. To pass this via their API the paginationLimitedTo needs to be set, but i don't think this can be set via scout.


Ive added a issue here