
I am trying to work with the list of transactions on a customer record.

When I run record.getSublists(); the sublist shows up with id of finhist

However, I can not work with this sublist by calling record.getSublist('finhist'); I'm assuming this is because the sublist is not listed in the NetSuite record browser for Customer records.

In a past question there was a workaround for it using the search module. I can't seem to build another search to ascertain the info I want, so my real question is if there is a way outside of the search module to work with sublists that aren't listed in the record browser.

If there isn't, then I am looking to get all transactions of a given type for a customer. So all Sales Orders or all Invoices, etc.


1 Answers


You would retrieve this information using a Transaction search rather than a Customer search.

// 1.0
function transactionsForCustomerByType(customerId, txType) {
    var filters = [
        ["mainline", "is", "T"], "and",
        ["type", "anyOf", txType], "and",
        ["entity", "anyOf", customerId]

    var columns = [ /* Your search columns */ ];

    return nlapiSearchRecord("transaction", null, filters, columns) || [];

var invoices = transactionsForCustomerByType(1234, "invoice");

// 2.0
// N/search imported as `s`
function transactionsForCustomerByType(customerId, txType) {
    var filters = [
        ["mainline", "is", "T"], "and",
        ["type", "anyOf", txType], "and",
        ["entity", "anyOf", customerId]

    var columns = [ /* Your search columns */ ];

    var search = s.create({
        "type": s.Type.TRANSACTION,
        "filters": filters,
        "columns": columns

    return search.run().getRange({"start": 0, "end": 1000}) || [];

var invoices = transactionsForCustomerByType(1234, s.Type.INVOICE);

If a sublist or a record is not listed in the Record Browser, then it is likely not scriptable - at least not via any officially supported method.