I have confusion regarding multi screens support in android. I have gone through article for multi screen support at android developer forum. My question is if app has 15-20 images that need to be shown full screen on device screen. Now if I want to support all screens what should i put in three drawable folders ldpi, mdpi & hdpi. Here what i have done
In ldpi - images of 240x320 resolution mdpi - images of 320x480 reolution hdpi - images of 720x800 resolution. (I am using same densities for all three resolution) I think this is not right approach.
What exactly I should do? Put images of different resolution in drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi & drawable-hdpi as above or should i use images of different densities 120 dpi, 160 dpi & 240 dpi. If i use images of different densities what should be their resolution(should 120 dpi resolution be 240x320, 160 dpi resolution 320x480 & 240 dpi resolution be 480x800). Or if i am using different dpi images their resolution should be same(320x480) for all densities .
Regards, Anuj