I have a question about Azure App Insights Sampling. If itemCount field is greater than 1 for a log item, does it mean that there was an exactly the SAME request and it was sampled?
My logs have one request that sends this message with itemCount = 2. And this request has ended with OptimisticConcurrencyException, so my transaction has been roll-backed. In this transaction I send a message to 3rd party service. The most interesting is that they told me they've got 2 messages from my service and my database has been updated (so transaction has been committed). All of it became clear, if there were 2 requests and one of them returned 200 code, and another returned 500. But app insights log item abot OptimisticConcurrencyException has value itemCount = 2, which means that this exception was thrown twice (for both requests). Furthermore Beside this I don't see any other requests, that could change data, that request was changing.
So could anybody explain me how app insights samples requests and errors?