This is very similar to my issue.
I’ve got a fact table for POs, Supplier Invoices, Payments, Receipts, etc. They have some dimensions in common, others not. Problem is, for example, say if they are looking at invoices by their gl account, (using an excel pivot table connected to the cube) then they expect to be able drop in a column for the PO number, the buyer of the PO, etc. Even though the buyer dimension is only related to the PO, and the account dimension is only related to the invoice. But they say, well the PO is related to the invoice, so you should be able to pull it in.
I do have a PO Ref field on the invoice fact table, but it is only filled out 50% of the time. Even when it is, you could have a one to many relationship in either way between a PO and an invoice, as far as I understand it at least. Anyway, they expect to be able to throw in any measure from any measure group, and every single possible dimension to work, and then be able to drill down to the detail to see the POs, Invoices, Payments and Receipts and how they match up. Best practice is to keep the fact tables separate if they are different grains according to Kimball, but then all the business problems aren't solved this way.
The only solutions I can come up with are:
- to either tack on a bunch of detail related columns to the degenerate dimensions when I load them. i.e. add PO to invoice and invoice to PO etc., but have it as a comma separated list in that column when it is many to one.
- Create every possible relationship with every fact and dimension table. This would be a lot of work though, and some still may not have a relationship to certain dimensions.
- Create a monstrous fact table with all the current ones joined together, and somehow figure out logic to only display the measure values once for the many to one joins.
This is probably a bad idea, but thought maybe somehow I could create a relationship between every measure group and the corresponding degenerate dimensions reference field. Like create a relationship between the supplier invoice degenerate dimension PO Ref field and the purchase order line measure group PO field.
Lower their expectations, lol.
Here's a screen shot of the dimension usage tab to give an idea of what it looks like currently.