
In Google Firebase pricing (https://firebase.google.com/pricing/) table states:

The Spark plan only allows outbound network requests to Google-owned services.

Does it mean that JS function in web browser (client) page can't call Firebase function and retrieve data in FREE TIER?

Found probably good answer: "We just can't allow arbitrary REST calls without a credit card. This helps avoid Cloud Functions being used for abuse/malware."Benny7500

3 Answers


firebaser here

Good catch, that piece of documentation probably should be clarified.

Inbound requests are allowed, as long as you're within your allowed quota. So your app can call a Cloud Function.

Outbound requests for projects on the free plan are only allowed to Google-owned services. So your Cloud Function code can only call google owned web APIs, unless it's on a paid plan.

Update: the above applies up to Node.js runtimes up to v8. From Node.js 10 and upwards your Firebase project needs to be on a paid plan to be able to use Cloud Functions. For full details on this, see the Firebase FAQ on Cloud Functions pricing.


At lowest possible costs (USD 11.53) it is better to have Blaze plan and use REST calls to Firebase functions freely: enter image description here


no, they do not talk about JavaScript Functions, they talk about serverless computing functions


theses functions can make only make http calls to Google Services and e.g. not to Yahoo or Amazon services