It is not possible to change the axis scale for different angles on a radar chart. However, we can create a scatter plot that recreates a radar chart where you can specify the range of values for each angle, essentially allowing you to specify the axes limits as per your question.
We'll create a scatter series for each test. For each metric, you'll specify the axis range you want. We'll place each score along the axis range you specify, and then point the values at different angles based on the metric, simulating a radar chart. Each series will then loop back to metricA again to close the loop.
Setting up the data:
Angle (360 degrees split up into 5 angles):
- metricA:
- metricB:
- metricC:
- metricD:
- metricE:
Scale lower and Scale upper: Freely set the axis range for each metric
x1: (x-coordinate for each scatter point)
In cell F2: =SIN($B2)*(E2-$C2)/($D2-$C2)
y1: (y-coordinate for each scatter point)
In cell G2: =COS($B2)*(E2-$C2)/($D2-$C2)
The formulas for x and y can be filled down for all metrics, and then copied across for each test.
Finally, duplicate metricA in the bottom row:
In cell A7: =A2
And fill this across all columns
Then, create a scatter plot with lines between the points:
- Add each series one at a time
- Set the x and y axes to fixed ranges from -1 to 1
- Resize the plot area to be square-shaped
- Hide the major gridlines, tick marks and axis labels to make the scatter plot look more like a radar chart

You manually enter any values you want for scale lower and scale upper values. For my chart, I set the lower limit of each metric as being the lowest value minus 10% of the difference between highest and lowest value, and I set the upper limit as being the highest value plus 10% of the difference between highest and lowest value. This result in all lowest points being the same distance from the middle and all highest points being the same distance from the middle. The middle value for each metric is scaled based on it's value compared to the highest and lowest values.
Scale lower: =MIN(E2,H2,K2)-(MAX(E2,H2,K2)-MIN(E2,H2,K2))/10
Scale upper: =MAX(E2,H2,K2)+(MAX(E2,H2,K2)-MIN(E2,H2,K2))/10
If you needed, it would also be possible to add pseudo axes and gridlines to make the scatter plot look even more like a radar chart. It would just be necessary to add additional series to plot the axes and gridlines and format them as thin gray lines to mimic normal axes and gridlines.