I am using SAS for a large dataset (>20gb). When I run a DATA step, I received the "BY variables are not properly sorted ......" although I sorted the dataset by the same variables. When I ran the PROC SORT again, SAS even said "Input dataset is already sorted, No sorting done" My code is:
proc sort data=output.TAQ;
by market ric date miliseconds descending type order;
options nomprint;
data markers (keep=market ric date miliseconds type order);
set output.TAQ;
by market ric date;
if first.date;
* ie do the following once per stock-day;
* Make 1-second markers;
/*Type="AMARK"; Order=0; * Set order to zero to ensure that markers get placed before trades and quotes that occur at the same milisecond;
do i=((9*60*60)+(30*60)) to (16*60*60); miliseconds=i*1000; output; end;*/
And the error message was:
ERROR: BY variables are not properly sorted on data set OUTPUT.TAQ.
RIC=CXR.CCP Date=20160914 Time=13:47:18.125 Type=Quote Price=. Volume=. BidPrice=9.03 BidSize=400
AskPrice=9.04 AskSize=100 Qualifiers= order=116458952 Miliseconds=49638125 exchange=CCP market=1
FIRST.market=0 LAST.market=0 FIRST.RIC=0 LAST.RIC=0 FIRST.Date=0 LAST.Date=1 i=. _ERROR_=1
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: There were 43297874 observations read from the data set OUTPUT.TAQ.
WARNING: The data set WORK.MARKERS may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were
56770826 observations and 6 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.MARKERS was not replaced because this step was stopped.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 1:14.21
cpu time 26.71 seconds
data check; set output.taq (firstobs=43297868 obs=43297878); run;
– Stu Sztukowski