
I'm new in SSRS, my question is how do i make my reports accessible to client? and can i change the url from:"http://serverName/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReports%" to "http://company.co.za/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReports%" ? do i need to authenticate users in Site Settings?


1 Answers


The Report Manager portal is not especially designed to make reports accessible to the outside world. You can do it, but it needs careful planning and consideration. Here's your starting point:

Planning For Extranet or Internet Deployment

Note that the link suggests you create a custom web application and embed the Report Viewer control: this will allow you to present the user interface of your choice to the users and help you deal with security. However the Report Manager portal you ask about is also an option.