
I have two class: park places and cars. The park has an id and a list of cars. I want to show the parking places with tabs and the list of the cars in a datatable. The problem is that i can't reach the car's plate number inside the datable. When i try to autocomplete in Netbeans it shows the park fields (the park id and the list of cars) for possibilites. Why? Any ideas how to fix it?

<p:tabView value="#{parkView.parks}" var="p">
            <p:tab title="Car Park #{p.id}">
                <p:dataTable var="c" value="#{p.cars}">
                    <p:column headerText="Parking Cars">
                        <h:outputText value="#{c.regPlateNumber}"/>
The problem is that i can't reach the car's plate number inside the datable an example will be welcomeYagami Light
Give an example to clarify the question.Sumit Gulati

1 Answers


I just guess and I'm unable to create comments (low reputation). Check the getter/setter methods of the car.plate (?) field. They should be public, non static and created by according to the bean property naming conventions.