I am writing a JSF datepicker composite component that is backed by jquery-ui's datepicker.(I don't have the option of using component libraries)
I have gotten the functionality to work, but I am now trying to simplify the component's interface by removing unnecessary attributes.
One of the attributes exposed by my component is called "value". I expect the user of the component to provide an el reference here eg.
What I have noticed is that the component only ever seems to read the attribute's value. The setter never seems to get invoked.
I managed to get around this by exposing this method as a clientBehaviour .
But now I have an actionListener that is invoked through this clientBehaviour(to set the value) as well as the "value" attribute which reads the value from #{cc.attrs.values}
How can I have a single attribute that can both read/write the "value" attribute to the underlying managedBean provided by the using page?
Here is the code:
<ui:component xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:util="http://discovery.co.za/mytags" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:cc="http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite">
<cc:interface componentType="modal">
<cc:attribute name="value" type="java.util.Date" shortDescription="An El expression representing the managed bean field to which the selected date will be wired."></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="minYear" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the year component of the minDate"></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="minMonth" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the month component of the minDate.(January is 0)"></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="minDay" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the day component of the minDate."></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="maxYear" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the year component of the maxDate"></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="maxMonth" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the month component of the maxDate"></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="maxDay" type="java.lang.Integer" shortDescription="An El expression representing a managed bean field which should return an Integer indicating the day component of the maxDate"></cc:attribute>
<cc:attribute name="render" type="java.lang.String" />
<cc:clientBehavior name="change" targets="#{cc.clientId}:dateInput" event="change" />
<div id="#{cc.clientId}">
<h:inputText id="dateInput" value="#{cc.attrs.value}" styleClass="jquery-datepicker"
onclick="modifyDatePickerOptions('#{cc.attrs.clientId}', #{cc.attrs.minYear}, #{cc.attrs.minMonth}, #{cc.attrs.minDay}, #{cc.attrs.maxYear}, #{cc.attrs.maxMonth}, #{cc.attrs.maxDay} );">
<f:ajax execute="@form" event="change" render="#{cc.attrs.render}" />
And the using page :
<h:form id="datePickerForm">
<my:datepicker render=":datePickerForm:datePickerAjax" value="#{datePickerBean.selectedDate}" minYear="1999" minMonth="0" minDay="1" maxYear="2019" maxMonth="0" maxDay="1">
<f:ajax event="change" listener="#{datePickerBean.selectedDate}" />
<h:panelGroup id="datePickerAjax" layout="block">
<br />
<b><h:outputText value="You selected : #{datePickerBean.selectedDate}" rendered="#{datePickerBean.selectedDate != null}" /></b>