
I have a vue router with two components,a list and a detail view, with a link back to the list view. On the same page I have a list of the same data that is shown in the list-view component.

The data is fetched via ajax, and as such is not ready when the router-view is drawn. When the data is ready however, the non-router list is updated, but the router view is not.

How do I communicate to the router view that it should redraw with new data?

If I click on an item in the non-router list, the router-view changes to the details component as expected, and if I then click the "show list" it changes back to the list-component, but this time it is populated with the right data.

I have created a js-fiddle that contains the relevant code: https://jsfiddle.net/pengman/jkwvphf9/2/ (It fakes the ajax by using setTimeout, but the effect is the same)

Html code:

<div id="app">
  <router-view class="view"></router-view>
  Unrouted list: 
  <div class="list-group">
    <router-link v-for="plante in planter" class="list-group-item" :to="{ name: 'plante', params: { nummer: plante.Nummer }}">{{ plante.Navn }} | </router-link>

<template id="plante-listing-template">

            <li v-for="plante in planter">
                {{ plante.Navn }} <router-link :to="{ name: 'plante', params: { nummer: plante.Nummer }}">Vis</router-link>

    <template id="plante-detail-template">
            plante detail template:
            <h3>{{ plante.Navn }}</h3>
            <router-link to="/">Show List</router-link>

Javascript code:

var PlanteListing = {
  template: '#plante-listing-template',

  data: function () {
    return {
      planter: this.$parent.planter
  watch: {
    '$route'(to, from) {
      // vi skal opdatere data, saa vi skal beregne igen 
      this.planter = this.$parent.planter;
    'dataloaded'() {
      this.planter = this.$parent.planter;

var PlanteDetail = {
  template: '#plante-detail-template',
  data: function () {
    var parent = this.$parent;
    var nummerFromRoute = this.$route.params.nummer;
    var filtered = this.$parent.planter.filter(function (item) {
      return (item.Nummer == nummerFromRoute) ? item : false;

    return {
      plante: filtered[0]
  watch: {
    '$route'(to, from) {
      // vi skal opdatere data, saa vi skal beregne igen 
      var nummerFromRoute = this.$route.params.nummer;

      var filtered = this.$parent.planter.filter(function (item) {
        return (item.Nummer == nummerFromRoute) ? item : false;
      this.plante = filtered[0];

var router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'hash',
  base: window.location.href,
  routes: [
    { path: '/', component: PlanteListing },
    { name: 'plante', path: '/:nummer', component: PlanteDetail }

var app = new Vue({
  data: {
    planter: []
  components: { PlanteListing: PlanteListing },
  methods: {
    getJson: function () {
      var self = this;
            /* Real code:
      $.getJSON("content/planter.json", function (param) {
        this.planter = param;
      /* Simulation code: */ 
      setTimeout(function(){self.planter = [  {    "Nummer": "0",    "Navn": "Bertha Winters"  },  {    "Nummer": "1",    "Navn": "Jeannie Small"  },  {    "Nummer": "2",    "Navn": "Mckay Joyner"  },  {    "Nummer": "3",    "Navn": "Janelle Banks"  },  {    "Nummer": "4",    "Navn": "Bray Moran"  },  {    "Nummer": "5",    "Navn": "Hooper Schwartz"  }]; console.log('data loaded')}, 500);
  created: function () {

1 Answers


Typically you do not want to have a component reach out of itself to get data (as you are doing with this.$parent.planter). Instead, you want to pass it props. To that end, I've modified your code a bit.

The first thing is I upgraded your vue-router to the latest version. This allows you to use the props argument on routes.

var router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'hash',
  base: window.location.href,
  routes: [
    { path: '/', component: PlanteListing },
    { name: 'plante', path: '/:nummer', component: PlanteDetail, props: true }

Secondly, you are using planter in all your routes, so I have provided it as a property on the router-view.

<router-view class="view" :planter="planter"></router-view>

This allows us to clean up your component routes and add the data they need as props.

var PlanteListing = {
  template: '#plante-listing-template',

var PlanteDetail = {
  template: '#plante-detail-template',
  props:["planter", "nummer"],
  data: function () {
    var filtered = this.planter.filter(item => item.Nummer == this.nummer);
    return {
      plante: filtered[0]

There is no need to tell the router to redraw; because the data are props, Vue just takes care of that for us.

Here is your updated fiddle.