In project, all API calls are from Lumen. Front is developed in Laravel. We are calling Lumen APIs using Guzzle http client guzzleHttp.
Now, I need to set header Authorization for all API calls so I'm sending token in header from Laravel but in Lumen I can't get token in Lumen request header.
Below is the example code.
Laravel controller code:
public function get_category(){
$accessToken = 'kjdhfdkjfhdkjfhfjkdf9875443213456';
$response = \Guzzle::request("GET","", "categories",['headers' => [
'Authorization' => $accessToken
$category_all = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(),true);
return $category_all;
Lumen middleware code:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
In Lumen request I can't get token in request header.