I have started recently getting familiar with Kubernetes, however while I do get the concept I have some questions I am unable to answer clearly through Kubernete's Concept and Documentation, and some understandings that I'd wish to confirm.
A Deployment is a group of one or more container images (Docker ..etc) that is deployed within a Pod, and through Kubernetes Deployment Controller such deployments are monitored and created, updated, or deleted.
A Pod is a group of one or more containers, are those containers from the same Deployment, or can they be from multiple deployments?
"A pod models contains one or more application containers which are relatively tightly coupled". Is there any clear criteria on when to deploy containers within the same pod, rather than separate pods?
"Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that can be created and managed in Kubernetes" - Pods, Kuberenets Documentation. Is that to mean that Kubernetes API is unable to monitor, and manage containers (at least directly)?
Appreciate your input.