I have the following script that sends ControlClick + ControlSend to a window in background (while I'm working in another window). It works ok as expected.
SetTitleMatchMode 2
sleep 1000
ControlClick, x400 y470, Notepad
ControlSend,, text, Notepad
The problem is: when I add a Gui on the script, the ControlClick behavior becomes odd once I close the Gui (with Submit or Destroy): If I'm working in a window A (Chrome for example) the ControlClick don't work in background anymore: it activates the window B (Notepad) like in the WinActivate command instead.
Here's the script with the issue (same as the previous one but with a simple Gui):
SetTitleMatchMode 2
Gui, Add, Text,, box
Gui, Add, Button, default, OK
Gui, Show, W300 H300
Gui, Submit
sleep 1000
ControlClick, x400 y470, Notepad
ControlSend,, text, Notepad
I'm on Windows Vista 32 bits, Autohotkey v1.1.25.01
I can't understand why the Gui Submit is changing the ControlClick bahavior. How can I fix this and let the ControlClick run in background just like it was without the Gui Submit/Destroy?
ps: both windows were maximized.