Laravel redirect validator root url "/" by it check ajax == false. if it return true, it run
If ($ this-> expectsJson ()) {
Return new JsonResponse ($ errors, 422);
I solved the problem by adding setup POST MAN in Headers:
I hope it will be useful to the next person when the validator does not work as you expect, you need to set it up like sending ajax to the routes api:
"Key" => "value"
X-Requested-With => XMLHttpRequest
Post Man need config setting some ajax
Otherwise laravel will not be able to return error code 422.
If ($ this-> expectsJson ()) {
Return new JsonResponse ($ errors, 422);
==> return false if not have "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest" in headers POST MAN.
ajax or not ajax active other #.
sorry i do not know english.