
Is Azure SDK for PHP Blob Storage method works only on a Blob Storage account? Because whenever I tried to use it on an Azure General-purpose Storage account (which gives you access to Azure Storage services such as Tables, Queues, Files, Blobs and Azure virtual machine disks under a single account), my php program stops at an specific process in an inconsistent manner. At times it processes completely but when I re-run it, it stops again in a random point.

My goal is to get all blobs under my Azure subscription using foreach loop, given that I have an array variable that holds connection strings for each storage accounts. It works well with a Blob Storage account but whenever I include the General-purpose Storage account, the problem starts to occur.

I already tried overriding my php memory limit and still it does not solve the issue.

Any advise guys? Thank you in advance.

Are you using premium storage performance tier? And please also share any code that you have written to work with Azure Blob Storage.Aaron Chen
The Azure account I am using already has an existing storage account, both standard and premium (our departments shared Azure account). 33 out of 58 storage accounts are General-purpose and some of them are premium and some are standard. Generally, I wanted to get the details of all storage types. But as I read your question, it seems that you are pointing that the premium tier is the one causing the inconsistency?LBB
I tried your code with my General-purpose Storage account, it worked fine. Could you test your single General-purpose Storage account for that?Aaron Chen
It is working when I used it on a single General-purpose Storage account, but when I put it in more than one Storage account using a foreach loop, the process stops at any random container of a Storage account that has many containers in it.LBB
Have you tried using ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); to set memory limit to unlimited?Aaron Chen

2 Answers

//Here is my code for you to visualize my goal..

<!DOCTYPE html>
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
include_once 'Dbcon.php';

use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServicesBuilder;
use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServiceException;

if (($handle = fopen("csv/azurestorages.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    $acc_cred = array();
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        $num = count($data);
        for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
            $acc_cred[$data[0]][$c] = $data[$c];

$all_storage = array();

foreach($acc_cred as $ac){

    $connstr = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=$ac[0];AccountKey=$ac[1]";

    // Create blob REST proxy.
    $blobRestProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createBlobService($connstr);

    // List all containers
    $container = $blobRestProxy->listContainers();
    $containers = $container->getContainers();

    if (count($containers) > 0) {

        $blob_xyzrobot = array();

        foreach($containers as $c){
            $blob_xyzrobot[] = $c->getName();

        foreach($blob_xyzrobot as $bx)
                $uri_segments = array();
                $blobstoragename = array();

                // List blobs.
                $blob_list = $blobRestProxy->listBlobs($bx);

                $blobs = $blob_list->getBlobs();

                if (count($blobs) > 0) {

                    $ctr = 0;
                    $uri_segments = explode('/', $blobs[0]->getUrl());
                    $blobstoragename = explode('.',$uri_segments[2]);

                    foreach($blobs as $blob)
                        $bprename = $blobstoragename[0];
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['storage'] = $blobstoragename[0];
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['container'] = $bx;
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['whatdate'] = $blob->getProperties()->getLastModified()->format('Y-m-d');
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['blob'] = $blob->getName();
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['bytesize'] = $blob->getProperties()->getContentLength();
                        $all_storage[$bprename."|".$bx][$ctr]['datecreated'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (count($all_storage) > 0){
   echo "No blobs in found...";    

//And this is the powershell script that generates the csv file accessed by my php

    Get-AzureStorageAccount | foreach-object {
    Get-AzureStorageKey -StorageAccountName $_.StorageAccountName
    } | Select-object StorageAccountName, Primary, Secondary | Export-CSV "..csv\bs_asm.csv" -Encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation
    Start-Sleep 1
    Get-AzureRmStorageAccount | foreach-object {
    $Primary = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -Name $_.StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName).Value[0]
    $Secondary = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -Name $_.StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName).Value[1]
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    StorageAccountName = $_.StorageAccountName
    Primary = $Primary
    Secondary = $Secondary
    } | Select-Object StorageAccountName, Primary, Secondary
    } | Export-CSV "..csv\bs_arm.csv" -Encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation
    $directory = "..csv\*.*";
    $csvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter *.csv;
    $content =@();
    foreach ($csv in $csvFiles) {
    $content += Import-Csv $csv;
    $content | Export-Csv -Path "..csv\azureblobstorages.csv" -Encoding ascii -NoTypeInformation;