
I'm trying to configure prerender-spa-plugin to work with my vue.js (1.x) application. When I build an application without it - everything works perfectly, but I need to get pages pre rendered foe SEO purposes.

When I install the plugin, it does prerender, but then it shows me some router error ([vue-router] Uncought error during transition ) and also TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 's(e).isEqualNode'). Again - none of this errors happen if I build the app for production without pretender-spa-plugin.

Some info about the tools:

- Mac OS
- node v6.10.1
- quasar --version 0.5.2 (project runs using quasar framework)
- npm -v3.10.10
- vue.js (1.x)

Then, relevant settings are:


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
    // Absolute path to compiled SPA
    path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
    // List of routes to prerender
    [ '/',  '/apps'],
       captureAfterDocumentEvent: 'custom-post-render-event',
       captureAfterTime: 2000,
       ignoreJSErrors: false,
       captureAfterElementExists: '.main',

div .main actually exists within every component which I need to prerender


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  Quasar.start(() => {
    Router.start(App, '#quasar-app')
  document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-post-render-event'))


module.exports = {
  replace: false,

What I've already tried:

  1. Not to use some of these triggers, which I've written here foe webpack. I guess I've already tried all possible combinations - sometimes build process just hangs up, sometimes - it is compiled with the same problem.

  2. I tried to set this custom even in my initial app.vue file, and attach it to ready () - the same result

  3. I tried to specify replace: false to all inner components too - and again, the same result - it just always gives me the router error, and then shows index page rendered on every route (together with content which should be there)

  4. The only thing which 'helped' - is not to specify / route for the plugin. Then, My index component is not pre rendered, and all others work in a good order. But obviously I'll need to have it pre rendered too.

Any help or suggestions highly welcomed! Maybe, I'm missing something quasar framework specific?

I'm also using html-webpack-plugin, can it be because of it?



1 Answers


Okay, the problem appeared to be in the vue-helmet plugin. I'm not sure why, but before I installed prerender in was working all good (vue-helment is used to manage metadata on separate pages). But when used together - they are making conflicts. So, I had just find another solution for managing metadata, which also works with pre rendering. Now, everything is fine