I have a CSV file on a location from which i am reading the contents in a file. Thats why i have added Jmeter Bean shell Post processor and checking values of variable in debug sampler.
There is no error coming in sccript and thread is successfully getting executed and values are properly coming in variable. Hiwever, in Jmeter logs, i am getting error -
ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Error invoking bsh method: eval In file: inline evaluation of: ``Location,Advertiser,Product,Campaign,Supplier,Insertion order ID,Invoice number, . . . '' Encountered "," at line 1, column 9.
I am having below code in my BeanShell PostProcessor -
is a variable which i defined in the user defined variable and its value is the path of the directory where my CSV file is present.
${__P(includecontroller.prefix)}/Reporting/Prisma/Prisma US/properties/ReportsVerificationUS-${__P(test.environment)}/invoice_report.csv
Please suggest.